
Your Rights as the Parent of a Young Adult - What You Need to Know When a Medical Crisis Hits

As a parent, you’re quite accustomed to managing your children’s legal and medical affairs, as circumstances require. If your child requires urgent medical attention while away from you, a simple phone call authorizing care can do the trick. But what happens when those “children” turn 18, now adults in the eyes of the law, and need urgent medical attention far from home?

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Keep the Government and Lawsuit Happy Opportunists Away from Your Children's Inheritance

If you have a current estate plan, I’ll bet you plan to leave your assets to your children outright and unprotected by age 35, or maybe a little later. Go take a look at your estate plan, and see what it does right now. And, if you don’t have an estate plan, and you have kids or other people you care about, contact us today and let’s get that handled for you...

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5 Reasons Why Shopping for the Cheapest Estate Plan Could Leave Your Family with an Unintended Mess

In most cases, from the most sophisticated business people with the highest net worth to those just starting in the workforce and on their path to adulthood, you very likely don't know how to evaluate estimates when shopping for an estate plan...

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